3D spheroid assay for screening of angiogenesis modulators
3D spheroid assay for screening of angiogenesis modulators monitoring the effect of exogenous factors on sprout formation from endothelial spheroids as a measure for induction / inhibition
By admin|2021-08-01T13:20:10+00:00April 8th, 2021|Recent highlights substance testing|
3D spheroid assay for screening of angiogenesis modulators monitoring the effect of exogenous factors on sprout formation from endothelial spheroids as a measure for induction / inhibition
By admin|2021-04-09T08:00:20+00:00April 8th, 2021|Recent highlights substance testing|
2D proliferation assay for angiogenic modulator screening monitoring the effect of exogenous factors on endothelial cell proliferation as a measure for induction / inhibition of angiogenesis