Newly published article on affinity-based purification of recombinant EVs

October 18th, 2024, Vienna, Austria

A recent collaborative work has been published showcasing the Snorkel-tag, a versatile pre-clinical tool for generating EVs with a CD81 fusion protein that displays multiple tags on the EV surface. These tags enable efficient labeling and non-destructive purification of EVs using proteolytic cleavage from affinity columns, without altering the EVs’ physical and biochemical characteristics.

This innovative tool opens up new possibilities for EV tracking, functional analysis, and studying EV cargo, providing a valuable resource for a wide range of EV applications.

Images were extracted from the original publication (Figure 1 and4a) under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence.


Madhusudhan Reddy Bobbili André Görgens Yan Yan Stefan Vogt Dhanu Gupta Giulia Corso Samir Barbaria Carolina Patrioli Sylvia Weilner Marianne Pultar Jaroslaw Jacak Matthias Hackl Markus Schosserer Regina Grillari Jørgen Kjems Samir EL Andaloussi Johannes Grillari (2024). Snorkel-tag based affinity chromatography for recombinant extracellular vesicle purification. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles13, e12523.