Evercyte’s human urine-derived podocyte cell line PODO/SVTERT152 can be grown without limitations while maintaining expression of cell type specific markers and function. Therefore, these cells are valuable as standardized in vitro model to study kidney diseases such as glomerulopathies. Moreover, the cells are useful for toxicity studies in pre-clinical drug development as well as for the development of glomerulus-protective therapeutics.
General information
Cat#: CLHT-033-0152
PODO/SVTERT152 cells are characterized by the typical, podocyte morphology.
Expression of marker proteins
In vitro propagation
PodoUp3 medium (Evercyte, Cat# MHT-033-3)
MCDB131 (Pan Biotech, Cat# P04-80057)
1,6 mM GlutaMAX-I (Gibco, Cat# 35050-038)
9,6 µg/mL bovine brain extract (Lonza, Cat# CC-4098)
8 ng/ml hEGF (Sigma Aldrich, Cat# E9644)
20 ng/ml Hydrocortisone (Sigma Aldrich, Cat# H0396)
20% fetal bovine serum (PAN Biotech, Cat# P30-3031)
100 µg/ml G418 (InvivoGen, Cat# ant-gn-5)
Additional material & reagents
Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (Sigma, Cat# D8537)
50 µg/ml collagen I (Sigma Aldrich, Cat# C2249), diluted in PBS
0,05 % Trypsin-EDTA (Gibco, Cat#25300-054)
Passaging of cells
The new culture flasks have to be pre-coated with human collagen I. Therefore, the culture flasks are pre-treated with collagen I solution (80 μl/cm²) at 37°C for at least 30 min.
Freezing medium
PodoUp3 medium (Evercyte, Cat# MHT-033-3)
10 % DMSO (Sigma Aldrich, Cat# D2650)
Additional material & reagents
Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (Sigma, Cat# D8537)
50 µg/ml collagen I (Sigma Aldrich, Cat# C2249), diluted in PBS
0,05 % Trypsin-EDTA (Gibco, Cat#25300-054)
Freezing of cells
Detach the cells from the culture vessel by using Trypsin-EDTA solution (Protocol passaging of PODO/SVTERT152).
Thawing of cells
Original Evercyte cells are to be thawed in a T75 rouxflask
Product data sheet – certificate of analysis
Data on Markers and Functions
Selected publications
Coming soon
Licence Conditions
The business concept of Evercyte is to out-license telomerized cells to our customers. The license conditions depend on whether the contract partner is a for profit or a nonprofit organization and the intended use of the cells.
Nonprofit organizations
On time payment for unlimited use: EUR 1700
Profit organizations
Pharmaceutical – chemical- cosmetic industries
Contract research organizations (CRO)
Initial license fee for 3 months: EUR 2700Annual license fee R&D: royalty based
Customer Reviews
“I have had the pleasure of working with Evercyte for the last few years. We continually rely on Evercyte because of the high-quality data that they produce, their diligent responsiveness, and their excellent customer service.”
Josh Garlich, Senior Research Scientist, Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
“Cytonus has been working with Evercyte from many years as they are a trusted partner and have always delivered the highest quality cell lines to advance our platform. We routinely draw on their expertise to meet cellular engineering challenges and they have not disappointed.”
Remo Moomiaie-Qajar, Cytonus Therapeutics, Inc.
Customer Reviews
“I have had the pleasure of working with Evercyte for the last few years. We continually rely on Evercyte because of the high-quality data that they produce, their diligent responsiveness, and their excellent customer service.”
Josh Garlich, Senior Research Scientist, Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
“Cytonus has been working with Evercyte from many years as they are a trusted partner and have always delivered the highest quality cell lines to advance our platform. We routinely draw on their expertise to meet cellular engineering challenges and they have not disappointed.”
Remo Moomiaie-Qajar, Cytonus Therapeutics, Inc.